Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I thought 1 was a lonely number but 11 is painful OR A Parental Dilemma

My tiny baby boy turned 11 recently.  And it's been like a light switch has been thrown for him---he's been in his room more, out riding his bike more, less communicative more often, more teen-like in some of his mumbled "asides"--and in his not-so-mumbled ones.  I'm missing him and his innate sweetness more.  Now it could be I'm just imagining all of this, but I'm not, he's pulled a way a bit and it is hurting.

So I am reveling in the current situation....he lost another tooth and, as he told me last night, he has been waiting patiently for the Tooth Fairy to arrive.  Feeling bad that we hadn't had the tooth fairy scheduled, I reminded my husband to take care of it while Max was at school.  His reply?

"HE'S ELEVEN!"  Meaning, I guess, that Lowell believes he's too old for this type of thing.  Bah Humbug! I say.  If my son still believes in the Tooth Fairy, I want to support that believe in the magic of childhood.

Lowell then explains that my son is probably just angling for some cold, hard cash...and that, and I'm directly quoting him here,  "I think he should pay us back for the perfectly good tooth we bio-engineered for him which he had the gall to wear-out!"

Which brings me to my current dilemma--this would be funny.  Actually very funny and my son would totally fall for it, which means a lot of fun for my husband and I while our kids sit there trying to figure out if we are pulling their leg or not.  We could spin this out for a good hour or so over dinner.  Good fun.  Good times.

But I have to weigh this against the possibility that if he were to get $1 from the Tooth Fairy he'd revert to the sweet, cuddly boy of yesteryear.  

Arghhh!  Why is parenting so hard?  Do I go for the definitely funny or the possible cuddle?  

Hell, there really was never a true choice...the definitely funny is going to win out every time in this family.  Besides, I can get a cuddle when he's not paying attention, or sleeping, or in front of his friends, which will achieve both!  OMG--that's the ticket.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In honor of International Womens Day or 10 Things Every Girl Should Know

Most of the time I don't know what to make of days like these, where we are supposed to honor a group of people or things...except for Veteran's Day...I get that one.  I don't get International Waffle Day or stuff like that.  I did find that there is an International Mens Day as well and that it was started in Trinidad and Tobago in 1991.

FYI:  International Womens Day was started in 1911 so this year is a Global Centenary. Each country has a different theme and in fact different organizations within that country can have different themes which I find confusing and if I were King (err, Queen) for a day, I would change that.  Anyway, if you are interested, the United Nations global theme for International Womens Day is:  "Equal access to education, training and science and technology:  Pathway to decent work for women."  

In celebration, there are over 1000 activities across the world.  England is host to 464 events, the US to 246.   And China?  Just 1. Which is amazing considering Iraq is hosting at least 3. But I digress.

I think the reason I have such an issue with days like these is that they seem too big, too vague...I don't know where to look or what to do or how to help.  So, I'm going to focus where I can, on those closest to me and the ones closest to them.  So here goes, please forgive the rhyming at the beginning, I couldn't help myself.

10 (+1) Things Every Girl Should Know
Yes, thank Heaven for little girls.
...for those I know and love and for those I don't.
...for those I will know someday and those I won't.
...for how you grow, for how you change
...for thinking, but almost rarely commenting, that Mommy is strange.
...but most of all for really listening when I say these things:

  1. I love you
  2. There is nothing you can do or say that will change the fact that I love you.
  3. Do the right thing, not the easy thing.
  4. Be confident in who you are.
  5. Never be afraid to have a voice.
  6. Never let anyone else, including me, force you into a decision you are uncomfortable with. (see #4)
  7. Love and own yourself, your body, your hair, your nose, your butt, your breasts, your thighs and your decisions about each of those.
  8. Be loyal and loving to your friends and family, but never blind.
  9. Be safe, do safe, act safe
  10. Always know that me, my ears, my brain and my heart are here for you.
  11. (And because we should always have a Spinal Tap moment, my number 11 comes from Willa Cather, a great author to cite on International Women's Day.)  Try and live your life with this in mind:  "Happiness comes from dissolving yourself into something complete and great".  Please never settle for anything less.  Never stop working to achieve it. And when you find it, dissolve and just let yourself be joyous in it. 

So, while it's no "100 Things to Celebrate about Belarusian Women", I am comfortable that if I manage to get my daughter, my nieces and their friends to know these things, something grand for women will have been accomplished.  And for that, I do thank Heaven for International Womens Day.